How to Uninstall Slottica Software from a PC or Laptop:
Step 1:
Click on the “Start” button located in the bottom left corner of your desktop screen.
Step 2:
Select “Control Panel” from the Start Menu.
Step 3:
In the Control Panel, click on “Programs” or “Programs and Features” (depending on your Windows version).
Step 4:
Scroll down the list of installed programs and locate “Slottica” in the list.
Step 5:
Right-click on “Slottica” and select “Uninstall” or “Remove” from the contextual menu.
Step 6:
Follow the instructions provided by the uninstaller to complete the removal process.
Step 7:
Restart your computer to complete the uninstallation process. Slottica software should now be fully removed from your PC.
How to Uninstall Slottica App from a Mobile Device:
Step 1:
Tap and hold the Slottica app icon on your mobile device’s home screen.
Step 2:
Once the app icon starts to wiggle or a contextual menu appears, look for an “X” symbol or a trash bin icon on the app.
Step 3:
Tap on the “X” symbol or trash bin icon associated with the Slottica app.
Step 4:
A confirmation message will appear on the screen asking if you want to delete the app.
Step 5:
Select “Delete” or “Uninstall” to proceed with the removal process.
Step 6:
The Slottica app will be uninstalled from your mobile device, and you’ll be returned to the home screen.
The steps provided may vary slightly depending on your device’s operating system (e.g., Android, iOS). If you encounter any difficulties, consult your device’s user manual or the manufacturer’s Support website for more specific instructions.